Identity & Inclusion Insights
The social justice age is here.
The cultural events and racial reckoning of 2020 have shifted much of the world into a new age for diversity and inclusion. In the social justice age, societal issues are business issues—with the next generation of consumers looking to brands to deliver real and tangible results.
The social justice age creates major demands for businesses and brands—internally, to support their own employees, and externally as members of society and the marketplace. The message for brands is clear: It’s time to be color brave and move to action.

Tracking corporate America’s early response to BLM

The Brand Bravery Benchmark

Spotlight: Color Bravery

Rising to the moment: A roadmap for brands amid social unrest

This is a “do moment” for brands

From Colorblind to Color Brave
Case Study: The Evolution to Microculturalism
A global entertainment company recognized that identity and inclusivity were critical topics to embrace in its future content development efforts.
But the shifting landscape of diversity posed a difficult challenge:
How can an entertainment company develop compelling storytelling that delivers a sense of belonging or togetherness in a time when people are more invested in celebrating individuality and uniqueness (a concept we call “microculturalism”)?
“The entire presentation was so eye opening. Yes, we’re all striving for inclusion, but the why of that and the how of that has never before been so impressively conveyed.”
TV Series Creator and Executive Producer

The Color Bravery Report
How are you meaningfully, measurably, and immediately working to build an anti-racist future?
To learn more about the Color Bravery report or to purchase access, please complete the form.
Watch On-Demand
The Global Inclusion Imperative webinar provides new insight into the state of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in an unprecedented look across the global landscape with the launch of our latest offerings featuring newly released 2021 Global MONITOR data. During this webinar, we’ll dig into consumers’ attitudes about inclusion globally and regionally.
Learn more about the Global Inclusion Imperative offer